Travel vaccination clinic

Combe Coastal Practice now run regular travel vaccination appointments at our Ilfracombe Surgery. We provide only 3 of the vaccinations for travel, and these are provided free on the NHS as follows:

  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A (both adult and junior)
  • Diphtheria, tetanus and Polio (this is a combined vaccine)

Any additional or paid vaccinations must be provided by a local travel clinic or other suitable provider and will not be given at the surgery.

Malaria medications can be discussed at your travel vaccination appointment, and advice will be given on whether these can be bought over the counter at your local pharmacy, or whether you will need to visit a local travel clinic for a private medication prescription. GPs do not offer prescriptions for any Malaria travel medication.

If you need to book an appointment with our nurse for your free travel vaccinations, please call the appointments team on 01271 863119 Option 1. You will need to complete a Travel Vaccination Form for each person requiring vaccinations and return this completed BEFORE your appointment. This can be sent to your mobile phone to complete online, or a paper copy of the form can be requested at the Ilfracombe reception desk.

Date published: 11th September, 2024
Date last updated: 11th September, 2024